Bocote Threaded Soft Release Buttons

Bocote Threaded Soft Release Buttons

from $30.00

With its Zebra-striped contrasts and bold figuring, Bocote is our Prima Donna of the bunch. If Teak is our old man, then Bocote is our independent, rabid teenager. 

Bocote is an exotic wood native to Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies. It features a wide range of grain patterns from straight lines to wild swirls. The color ranges from golden brown to tan to golden yellow.

11MM diameter is universally compatible with all cameras. 14MM diameter is compatible with the majority of cameras, but is not suggested with medium format cameras which have the shutter button next to the lens (ie. Hasselblad, Mamiya, and Rolleiflex).

REG THREAD compatible with majority of cameras having a threaded shutter button. (ie. Fuji, Leica, Canon 35mm Film, Nikon 35mm Film, Pentax 35mm Film)

FAT THREAD compatible with Leica M3. medium format Hasselblad, Rolleiflex, and Mamiya cameras.

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